Ubuntu 10.10 Pentax K-5

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Some Advice given by Prof Chin Teck Chai --- SQ5(Smart Question), Goal Setting

The success belongs to those who catch Oppotunities, esp those chase Oppotunities

The lecturer Prof Chin Teck Chai gave a great talk at class of "Neural and Fuzzy Systems".

He gave some suggestions to be successful:
1.At listening every lecture, attending a party, you must take SQ5

  1. One thing I can learn?
  2. One thing I learn about myself? (self-discovery)
  3. One thing that impressed me? (intension focus)
  4. One person who impressed you?
  5. Three things to do within 36 hours?

2. Goal Setting
A person without goal won't be able to get great success.
S = specific
M = measurable
S = stretched
D = Deadline
A = Action-plan
V = value

Make a positive goal than a negative goal though they may have the same meaning.
Set a model for your goal.

3. How to improve your memory??
Prof. Chin demostrated how to remember random words in a very short time. The way is to map the words into a story, more impressive, more useful.
You can also map the things to some familiar things, e.g. your funitures.

4. 7-layer model of human


Belief -- Operating system, which connects outside to inside, which you can choose yourself! YOU CAN!

Identies - what is the label of yourself?
Spritity - benefit others

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