Ubuntu 10.10 Pentax K-5

Monday, January 24, 2011

System Exception: A cold Singapore

The system of Universe has a lot of problems now.

Can't you see cold areas are hot while hot areas are cold?

It is rather cold at night in Singapore. Just afraid that weiheng will catch cold if he is not covered well.

1. 半夜里从床上摔下来, 还好背部着地, 后来发现腿青了
2. 刚摔到地上, 小腿就抽筋了, 记得高中的时候住在大姑家, 冬天的时候夜里面被子蹬掉了,腿就抽了
真是旧梦重温 心里默念 damn cold

We are in a computer simulation.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Best of the 20th Century: Editors Name Top 10 Algorithms (by Barry A Cipra)

1. Monte Carlo method
2. simplex method for linear programming
3. Krylov subspace iteration methods
4. decompositional approach to matrix computations
5. Fortran optimizing complier
6. QR algorithm
7. Quicksort
8. fast Fourier Transform
9. integer relation detection algorithm
10. fast multipole algorithm

Oops, how many do you know?

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Write at the new year

A late post for 2011 at the second day.

Nothing ever, after the ungeliable 2010, I expect a new 2011, that with hope, energy and fresh.

Wish two babies be happy all the time, wish fish be happy all the time, wish I can be happy all the time.