Ubuntu 10.10 Pentax K-5

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

06 Christmas - New House - Da bao

Dear, I am so sorry that no gift for this christmas. Merry Christmas to you and dabao! You say when dabao is born, there won't be any more gifts for you. Silly, you and dabao are my two babies.

We have been moved into the new house for a whole week, both of us and dabao are satisfied with the house very much, bright, windy, and it is a sweet home. A lot of friends come for the house warming. Hey buddy, if you haven't come, come when you are free, so sorry that we are quite busy recently to invite you.

Fish says dabao grows fast recently, the "duzi" becomes round and round, dabao seems bigger and bigger, hehe, dabao, jia you a, baba and mama will see you soon.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A sad day, a new day

Got rejected letter from AAMAS, though know that the paper quality is very poor, still hopes that there is miracles, like the acceptance of the first paper. But, the truth is that, no hard work, never expect the good result. How dare you ask from God without paying anything? You ...

The reviewers give very good comments, still feel very glad that he/she can be interested in the abstract. The problems include (1) no clear definition of the concepts; (2) no details (3) grammars.

It is really a most precious lesson. The fortunate is that it is not end, but just a start!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Happy Birthday! Dear

My dear fish:

Today is 12/5/2006. Wish you happy birthday and in everyday of the coming year!


莫名我就喜欢你 深深地爱上你
没有理由 没有原因
没有理由 没有原因


Thank you for all your support and love, thank you for your precious gift of dabao, thank you for being with me everyday, thank you for all and all.

Friday, November 24, 2006








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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dao Bao - You are getting bigger.

Dear Dabao:

Mum and dad have being seen you days ago. You are now 1.2kg now, haha, more and more heavier.

Mum and dad have decided to birth you at the Thomoson Hospital, as the earliest date that you breathe the world with your nose is Feb 9/2007, which is DAD's birthday, mum and dad still need to prepare something, but don't worry, everything goes in control... hoho, when you are born, we can live together in our new house.

Two grandmas will come to help and look after you, so be "guai" in mummy's body, soon you can meet your pretty mummy and cute daddy, and there are so many uncles and aunts want to see you, so eagerly.

We miss you so much and love you so much!!

Dao Bao - You are getting bigger.

Dear Dabao:

Mum and dad have being seen you days ago. You are now 1.2kg now, haha, more and more heavier.

Mum and dad have decided to birth you at the Thomoson Hospital, as the earliest date that you breathe the world with your nose is Feb 9/2007, which is DAD's birthday, mum and dad still need to prepare something, but don't worry, everything goes in control... hoho, when you are born, we can live together in our new house.

Two grandmas will come to help and look after you, so be "guai" in mummy's body, soon you can meet your pretty mummy and cute daddy, and there are so many uncles and aunts want to see you, so eagerly.

We miss you so much and love you so much!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006



Dear Da bao:

Baba and mama love you so so much! We are planning a new house for your coming! (k)
Sweetie. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Rob - B - Hood


Da bao, this sister is beautiful ba... When u grow up, can let her marry you. HOho... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Da Bao, how are you there?

My dear da bao, how are you there? Baba and mama are wishing to give you the whole world you like. (k) Baba and mama haven't seen you for near one month, we both miss you so so badly.
Baba and mama buy a new house, so that when you are born, you can have a really home. Grandmas will come to look after you too, a lot of uncles and aunts are looking forward to see you too.
Kiss for good days and nights!

Saturday, September 09, 2006


大宝啊 在妈妈的肚子里面有没有乖乖的啊
爸爸每天都有跟你讲话 你听见了没有啊
听见了就赏个脸 踢你妈妈一下吗

My dear sweetie, how are you there these days?
Mum and dad miss you so so much.
Can you hear dad's voice everyday?
Please do give me a hint...
My precious baby.

Just wish you a healthy and no-worry life.
  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I crash the demo today, I feel so so sorry for the Dr. Miao, Dr. Shen and NIE people, actually we can make it good, but because i close the software and reopen it, the agents cannot recognize them, i just can't find the problem at the site..

Sorry guys.

Dear baby, when your father can grow up to a really steady one?

Monday, August 14, 2006

Fish Junior - 8cm

I and fish went to have the medical check last Friday(11/8/2006). After the scan, the doctor said, "the baby grows very fast, it reaches 8cm, which is far more than expected." Now the small feet of fish junior can be see, at seeing the swinging of the feet, dad really weeps out the tears. Oh my god, that is really the angel to be my baby.

The doctors gave three more kinds of medicine, Fe, Ca, and Fish Oil. That is to make our angel strong and health.

The only not-good point is that Fish often throw up at morning and night, hope that the suffering experience can end in this week.

I will be dad, hoho. Come on guy, don't be so jealous.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Someday I can be perfect

My computer at lab crashes, the technician asks me to backup all my stuffs, and reinstall the computer system.

Carefully search the computer, afraid that miss something important... After confirming that all are stored...

After lauching the Outlook, found that the emails downloaded on the local were lost... shame

Bai mi yi shu

Dear, how are you today? Miss you le, best wishes.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I have two angels now: my fish and fish junior.

Angel - Sarah Maclachlan

Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
There’s always one reason
To feel not good enough
And it’s hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
Oh beautiful release
Memory seeps from my veins
Let me be empty
And weightless and maybe
I’ll find some peace tonight

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there

So tired of the straight line
And everywhere you turn
There’s vultures and thieves at your back
And the storm keeps on twisting
You keep on building the lie
That you make up for all that you lack
It don’t make no difference
Escaping one last time
It’s easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
This glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here

Sunday, July 16, 2006

9个笑话9个人生道理 (转)









Wednesday, July 12, 2006

三份爱给你, 两份爱给天使, 还有一分留给我

三份爱给你, 两份爱给天使, 还有一分留给我
2 + 2 = 4
3 + 1 = 4
1 + 3 = 4
乖乖 我爱你们...用我全部的爱

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

World Cup Semi-final Italy 2:0 Germany

My first time to watch the football at 3pm, what a wonderful game!!!
Feel a bit hopeless that the penalty will start... However this time, at the last two minutes of the Add-on time, two goals by 格罗索 and 皮耶罗...
Today's Italy is not defensive but offensive, Germany also plays very well,however, they lost some chances.

Never give up until the last second.

Monday, July 03, 2006

How can I love you and you a bit more?

How can I love you a bit more?

Dear, Thank you to be my partner of my whole life. I will love you forever and ever.

How can I love you a bit more?

Dear, my dear baby, mum and dad wish you our cherish and most precious angel. Dad and mum will love you and protect your forever.
We wish you lovely, sweet, healthy, pure and all favorable wishes.

Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2006 - NTU, We win!!

Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2006 - Bedok Reservoir

NTU wins both at the Men's and Women's 1000m. Yes!! Last year, we lost, but now we really can 一雪前耻。
And next year we still wanna win, and we can!

Fish says to me: Our boss reports to the prime minister, "Sir, we win at last, so can we rename our U to Nanyang University?"
I say to fish: PM says, "ok, but you need to win at least ten times."

Fish says, "if like that, it would be simple, and we will strive our best to win. Not preparing for any one lose, that is the NTU Spirit."

hoho, absolutely...

Monday, May 22, 2006

Wedding (21/5/2006)

Fish(Yu Xia) and Daocaoren(Cai Yundong) get married on 21/5/2006.

At the Staff Club Mayflower Restaurant of NTU, under eyes of 80 plus friends, teachers, we are pronounced to be wife and hunband.

From today on, dear, you are my own and i am yours. Whatever, we will walk together until the end.

Dear, I love you!

Solemnization: Dr. Teo.
Dr. Shum Ping
Dr. Shen Zhiqi

Friday, March 31, 2006


DaoCaoRen, how are you? To win the world, first beat yourself.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


诗词作者: 五 伯_
诗朗诵者: @^_^@_
编辑作者: 临江仙 (www.wenxuecity.com)


作者: 五伯

不是 生与死的距离
而是 我站在你面前

而是 爱到痴迷

不是 我不能说我爱你
而是 想你痛彻心脾

不是 我不能说我想你
而是 彼此相爱


不是 树与树的距离
而是 同根生长的树枝

不是 树枝无法相依
而是 相互了望的星星

不是 星星之间的轨迹
而是 纵然轨迹交汇

不是 瞬间便无处寻觅
而是 尚未相遇


Friday, February 17, 2006

农民- beyond





Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Torino 2006, Winter Olympic

The last pair of figure skating - Zhang Dan/Zhang Hao(China)

The image was when Zhang Dan fails at the 4-round spinning and fell on the ill ground. Later, the pair restarted and won a precious silver medal.

The broadcast say, " Today Russia may get the gold medel, but China will be pround of them".

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


1 一个人的改变,源自于自我的一种积极进取,而不是等待什么天赐良机。

2 在最艰难的时刻,更要相信自己手中握有最好的猎枪。

3 任何一次对自己的原谅,都会导致下一次更大的错误。

4 当你开始学会把说话变成一种成功的资本时,你一定能发现其实成功并不像人们所想的那样艰难。

5 从早晨到傍晚,你反问自己一天究竟做了什么?或许对第二天有更多的触动。

6 相信别人,放弃自己,这是许多人失败人生的开始!

7 做事成功的要诀就如同钥匙开锁的道理一样,如果你不能准确对号,那么一定无法打开成功之门。

8 用自己的能力证明自己,胜过用空话吹嘘自己。

9 不懂放弃,等于固执;不能坚持,等于放弃目标。最聪明的做法是:不该坚持的,必须放弃!

10 任何道路都是靠自己走出来的,而不是靠自己在梦中等来的。其中准确迈出第一脚,是尤为重要的。

11 没有一种成功是可以必须实现的,但是只有你敢于攀登你所选择的山顶,成功就会越来越靠近你。

12 当雄鹰在天空飞翔时,它告诉人们:勇气和胆量,眼光和行动,是最重要的成功元素。

13 不断反思自己的弱点,是让自己获得更好成功的优良习惯。但有些人总怕这一点,所以最终成为弱者。

14 学会下一次进步,是做大自己的有效法则。因此千万不要让自己睡在已有的成功温床上。

15 对待金钱,既要像朋友,有要像陌生人。如果因金钱而折磨自己,人生就会狭隘,如果用一种“坦然”心态待之,那么你的人生本身就已经拥有金钱!

Quotations from Chris Crawford

If you don't know where you're going, you probably won't get there.

I don't spend much time following other people's work on interactive storytelling. It's not that I don't respect that work; it's just that I think about it the same way that General George Patton thought about war. He declared that the point in war is not to die for your country, but to make the other fellow die for his country. In the same way, I think it's better to concentrate on doing work of such quality that you force the other fellow to follow your work.

The easiest way to be the biggest fish in the pond is to make your own pond.

Friday, January 27, 2006


又一年过去了, 狗年来临, 我是属狗的, 没有什么知觉, 两轮就这样过去了

似乎一切都不易察觉, 时间又悄悄地走到了一年的末尾, 应该是时间给自己这一年做一个终结了吧, 不然浑浑噩噩, 新一年再来的时候, 属于今年的记忆就会被风带走了吧

早过弱冠的我,和霞终于定下了终生, 开始了我再求学的生涯, 朋友们开始转战天下, 收到了千纸鹤, 吃了付博的生日蛋糕, 许了三个愿望, 也被TA班上的学生说过帅, 一起穿过风雨划过船.遗憾: 学习不认真, 做研究太不用心.

过年的时候不可能来写blog, 所以现在就写下这年的最后一个. 现在这时候, 应该祭完祖先, 做好肉圆, 贴好对联, 准备好过年了吧. 妈妈, 祝你新年快乐,身体健康,万事如意!

似乎好多年没有这感觉, 可能现在才知道了过年的好处吧, 懂得了思念, 懂得了牵挂, 愿我的每一个朋友能开开心心,健健康康

Fish 陪我去买了红衣服, 我想我应该准备好新年的春天了吧

Thursday, January 19, 2006


The day after tomorrow is my birthday. I received my best gifts from Fish. One is 千纸鹤 and the other is a handphone. well, this first is much more valuable for me, as it is made by fish one by one(don't be sad with no surprise, dear, I can count the time one by one), while for the second, i can buy it for myself. After two days, I am at my 24 year old. Often think that i am younger than friends around, but when seeing that there are more and more young friends grown up, passionate, energetic, feel a bit lost and jealous. Always tell myself: hey, guy, wake up, you need to grow up, you need to be a responsible man, be responsible to your study, career, gf, family and so on. It is really shamed that I can't do things well, and let myself, fish and mum disappointed.

I am fighting with another me, who is jealous, lazy, dropping. And I believe I can win, at the time, i will be confident, joyful, sharing and ... Dear, thank you so much for your gifts, let us work together, to find the enjoyful and peaceful land for our hearts.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Take the wine when we are old

At the way back home, I told fish that we should write the blog until we are old. Then when we are old, we look it back, there must be a lot of interest. Haha, my pig head just realises that it is called diary.

Last time, another thing i talked with fish-- I say when we marry, we bought boxes of wine. Then at every 10's anniversity of marriage, we open one bottle wine to drink. Later when our children are born, we store the wine again. Hope that one day when he/she is at marriage, then he/she can open the bottle to drink it. Now seems that i can smell the joyful, and can't wait to taste it. It seems and must be so so great. It is from the chinese the traditioin, really quite interesting.

I wish I can be same as the wine, longer, smells better. Maybe just a drop will get drunk.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Lord of the Ring - faith, peace, brav

"Lord of the Ring", this series of movies are really great movies that I have seen. The film, the story, the picture and the music are all top level.
Waching it, with Enya's "May it be" around ears, I have tears in my eyes. I am really moved that at the moment of instinction, human unit together, reciting the faith, be ready to fight with the strong, powerful evil orcs.

Some words I can use: loyalty, faithful, peaceful, sacrificing and mostly love.

This picture is the prince xxx,

This picture is the human witch Gandof,

When u watch the movie, you will understand; when you listen the song, you will understand!

The director of "Lord of the ring" is Peter Jackson, who just directed the "King Kong", also a very touching movie.

Dear, the song is for you...

Song: May It Be

Composed and performed by Enya
Lyrics by Roma Ryan

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home

Mornie utúlie (darknesss has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantie (darknesss has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadows call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun

Mornie utúlie (darknesss has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Mornie alantie (darknesss has fallen)
A promise lives within you now

A promise lives within you now

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Season, burning!

3/1/2006, today is the start of new semaster. Though it doesn't mean a lot to me, it rings at my ears, that some time has already passed, have you got anything from the study? The result is so frustrated.

Whatever, the new semaster is full of hope. Like the start of the basketball season, we have to win one by one, we can't be panic with losses, be with hope, one by one.

Everyone is same at the first, the difference is that at the running, some can keep on, but some rest, even some stop to watch the view. Maybe the view at the end is the best.

It is time for burning... Don't let this word shade.