Ubuntu 10.10 Pentax K-5

Friday, December 09, 2011


Thursday, October 06, 2011


It gives error at building the solution. 

then i change the position of
#include "platform32/WinEpak.h"


Steps to use genEpak:
1. pack the folders to different .epk files and copy into the game folder
2. some folders are required to be there to contain some files for update
2.1 scripts  server/prefs.cs+config.cs client/prefs.cs data/mission/..ml
2.2 art/../
2.3 shades/procedural/
2.4 core/data/fonts/...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


记得欧文做精美的resume四处求职的时候 被多少人嘲笑

认真的人最可怕 话糙理不糙



随后,欧文也表达了对于弗爵爷知遇之恩的感激之情,“弗格森对我的信任,让我倍感荣幸,我将用更多的进球来回报弗格森和所有人对我的支持。 ”

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Before sleep

Dabao and beibei are watching Tom and jerry.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

MySQL UDF Execution - strong password

For mysql 5.5.8 or earlier on Windows, there is such danger about "User-defined-functions" execution.

So help, there is a need to 
1. Ensure the password is strong
2. Delete the "root" account for hostname "%" (i.e. others cannot use "root" account at other host)

A good habit:
1. Create new user privilege only on specific database it belongs to.
2. Have a strong password for the user account

What is a strong password:
  • It needs to contain special characters such as @#$%^&
  • It must be at least 8 characters long.
  • It must not have any common words such as 123, password, your birth date, your login name and any words that can be found in the dictionary.
  • a variation of capitalization and small letters

1. A password manager is needed to remember for you.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Dublin Core

The Dublin Core set of metadata elements provides a small and fundamental group of text elements through which most resources can be described and cataloged.

简单的都柏林核心原数据集(DCMES) 包括15种元数据元素:
  1. 标题(Title)
  2. 创建者(Creator)
  3. 主题(Subject)
  4. 描述(Description)
  5. 发行者(Publisher)
  6. 资助者(Contributor)
  7. 日期(Date)
  8. 类型(Type)
  9. 格式(Format)
  10. 标识符(Identifier)
  11. 来源(Source)
  12. 语言(Language)
  13. 关系(Relation)
  14. 范围(Coverage)
  15. 权限(Rights)

 Now studying how greenstone or Dspace to make an online archive for qipao project.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Wordpress problem

For Worldpress web, need to enable

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

in httpd.conf

otherwise, the webpage can't show correctly.

Need to use the model to write to a pseudo html file

Monday, August 15, 2011

Backup innoDB database of mysql

Two main types of databases in mysql: MyISAM and InnoDB.

mysql/data contains all the databases. Each database is shown as a folder.

For MyISAM, just copy the data folder under mysql.

For InnoDB, can't just copy the frm files under data folder. There is a need to copy the "ibdata1" which contains the table info.

Best practice: use the backup function to export the database to mysql, then import.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

7/6/2011 An end

Today I finish my oral defense.

Chair: Prof. Stephen Tuner
Prof. Thein Yin Leng
Prof. Yow Kin Choong, skype from Canada

Prof. Miao Chun Yan

Though I have used so many years on it, it is great to have a good full stop.
I need to thank a lot people who have ever helped me.

Thank you so much.

Friday, April 22, 2011

At Zoo


Weiheng plays at Singapore Zoo.
Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 15, 2011

黄昏 (罗文)





Sunday, February 27, 2011

忆 (1)

还没有老 就开始忆了 是担心越来越忙 把一些忘记了

忆 (1)

还没有老 就开始忆了 是担心越来越忙 把一些忘记了


昨天晚上打电话回家 妈妈说奶奶家的房子拆掉了 现在从我家可以一直看到盐唐河 (我们村和我外婆村的边界)我们村就剩我们家一排没有拆了

屋前18米宽的马路修好了 路灯装好了 谁家里又为拆迁费吵架了 哎 再也回不到从前了

煤油灯点起来的时候 豆大的亮光 我和妈妈等爸爸回来 只听见车响和门开的声音 我就开心了

晚上从亲戚家回来 爸爸车前坐着我 后面坐着妈妈 颠颠簸簸的砖头路 姣白的月光洒下来 星星是格外的亮 夜是格外的静

过去的就不会再有了 失去的是 慢 安静 思考 休息 黑

岁月神偷 和 活着 (I wanna be free)


一家人的脉脉温情和青涩的恋爱 波动了我自己的心弦

看影评讲起了张艺谋的活着 都是不可的之作

从无可选择而生 到无可选择儿死 活着只是品味岁月这杯酒 是苦 是甜 是辣 是酸 尝完了你才会像福贵一样淡定

或者我们活在一个人的梦中 活在一锅浓稠的汤里(我们叫他宇宙)我们的千万年只是外面世界的一瞬 何必太执着



Monday, February 07, 2011

Chinese New Year End

After 4 and 1/2 days' break, Chinese New year ends at last.

Found that weiheng grows up a lot.

大宝打了个喷嚏,然后对我说, “爸爸, 我的脸放了一个屁”。


Monday, January 24, 2011

System Exception: A cold Singapore

The system of Universe has a lot of problems now.

Can't you see cold areas are hot while hot areas are cold?

It is rather cold at night in Singapore. Just afraid that weiheng will catch cold if he is not covered well.

1. 半夜里从床上摔下来, 还好背部着地, 后来发现腿青了
2. 刚摔到地上, 小腿就抽筋了, 记得高中的时候住在大姑家, 冬天的时候夜里面被子蹬掉了,腿就抽了
真是旧梦重温 心里默念 damn cold

We are in a computer simulation.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Best of the 20th Century: Editors Name Top 10 Algorithms (by Barry A Cipra)

1. Monte Carlo method
2. simplex method for linear programming
3. Krylov subspace iteration methods
4. decompositional approach to matrix computations
5. Fortran optimizing complier
6. QR algorithm
7. Quicksort
8. fast Fourier Transform
9. integer relation detection algorithm
10. fast multipole algorithm

Oops, how many do you know?

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Write at the new year

A late post for 2011 at the second day.

Nothing ever, after the ungeliable 2010, I expect a new 2011, that with hope, energy and fresh.

Wish two babies be happy all the time, wish fish be happy all the time, wish I can be happy all the time.